Hola everyone, it has been awhile!
So my life has been rather busy and I feel like I have not updated here in quite a bit! Last week, I started working at my summer school job at a church, so at least I am making some $$$.
As for my artistic side of life, me and Mr. Contreras have been continuing with our podcasts releasing episodes BI-weekly and if you missed out, you can listen to them here while doodling or some other sort of work:
http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=99009&cmd=tcand our twitter:
http://twitter.com/#!/promateursIn the future, we plan to expand by releasing a youtube account, but that is in the works for now. The next episode will be released THIS friday, so stay tuned.
***ALSO the next episode, we will be calls! The topic will be once again about the state of comics in the world and since most of you know where we stand, we would like to hear YOUR opinions! Time and date and the number to call will be provided as it gets closer! ***
I am planning to COMPLETELY draw out 4 chapters of SPOON, which is basically the first volume and submit them to some companies hoping for some sort of feedback. I definitely have to finish chapter 1 by the end of this month to submit it to the MORNING contest which I most likely won't win since it seems they only seem to accept more seinen oriented mangas, but whatever! haha.
I am currently 35 pages in with chapter 1, which is about 70% complete, yikes!
Now as for reserialization, I really want to show my new stuff, but as all of you know, I have a bad habit of losing steam and quitting, so that is my reason for holding off. After submitting my stuff, if I do not hear back, I might just say "screw it" and start reserialization and just have SPOON as a webcomic like BLADE OF THE FREAK and FLIPSIDE.
So IF I do reserialize, do not expect anything until September or even January of 2012 since on top of drawing, I need to focus on finding a real job, lol. So wish me luck and hopefully I will talk to some of you on our next episode of PROMATEURS!