Friday, April 27, 2012


hey guys,

soooo to get closer to my audience (well the small following i have right now that is haha)

at certain times, I will livestream.  What does that mean? you can watch me draw!!! ...LIVE!

so I will always notify you guys when I will draw live through twitter or facebook. The site is here, so add it to your favs!

I look forward to talking to you all soon! :)


Monday, April 16, 2012

unintentional blog hiatus

hey guys!

Long time no talk..well on this blog anyways haha....

For those of you who do not know, chapter 1 of spoon is finally finished and you can check it out here:

I am working diligently on chapter 2 as we speak! For other chapter releases, I plan on taking the same pace of releasing pages 5 days a week and then taking a 2 week break inbetween.

I hope by the end of this summer to unveil some cool surprises so stay tuned!