A friend of mine gave me a link to all thee publishing companies for anyone else itnerested:
http://www.optimumwound.com/the-submission-guidelines-for-every-comic-and-manga-publisher-in-the-universe.htmThe companies listed below are the possible companies I am thinking of submitting my work to:
ANTARCTIC PRESS (GOLD DIGGER, LAND OF OZ, NINJA HIGH SCHOOL) prefer you to be an artist versed in penciling, inking, and writing. As publishers, they prefer creators who can do it all. If you can’t ink your own work, but they like your pencils they’ll team you up with an inker but the royalty will now be spread between you and the inker. The same deal applies if you work with a writer. If you can do it all, then it’s better for you and for them.Submit ONE COMPLETE ISSUE (22-30 pages) of rendered (penciled, inked) SEQUENTIAL art. They tend to prefer a MANGA / ANIME style but will review your work regardless.For writers submit 1- to 4-page typed STORY SYNOPSIS and/or TREATMENTS.
DEL REY MANGA (AIR GEAR, ALIVE, FAIRY TAIL, GACHA GACHA NEXT REVOLUTION, PAPILLON, PRINCESS RESURRECTION), are always looking for new creative talent, so they accept and review unsolicited submissions from writers and artists. They will review either proposals for original, manga-style graphic novels or portfolios of artists who are proficient at drawing in the manga style.If you’re a writer, try to attach an artist to your project. If you’re an artist, send in samples. Del Ray is looking for artists who are capable of executing a book-length, manga-style narrative. Show them some manga pages!TRANSLATORS: All translation at Del Rey Manga is handled on a freelance, out-of-house basis; They hire both literal translators and adapters, as well as translators who are capable of adapting their own work.
GO COMI! (THREE IN LOVE, ULTIMATE VENUS) accepts resumes for freelance adaptors, translators, and layout artists interested in working on manga.
ITCH PUBLISHING is based in the UK, and is focused on the local manga scene. They’re happy to consider submissions from outside the UK though, especially if they’re good. They can’t pay you a lot of money, but they’ll can get you a great looking book.
KITTY PRESS MAKA MAKA says that people are free to send submissions at anytime. They are not actively taking submissions for inclusion in the Kitty Universe, but may in the near future. They keep all submissions on file in case they start to hire at a later date. Accepting submissions from writers, pencillers, inkers, and colorist, or combinations of these.
LIME MEDIA (HAWAII STAR MANGA PROJECT) is looking for new, original comic/manga stories for publication. They welcome all comic creators, especially Hawaii’s artists (and former Hawaii residents) to submit story proposals for consideration. They respect Creator’s rights, and use only CREATOR OWNED properties. They are currently accepting proposals for comic projects, illustrated fiction, and non fiction such as convention coverage or manga/comic/game and other product reviews.
P2 Manga LLC is a small Manga company started up in July, 2008. If your’e submitting an artist package, they are looking for 10-20 completed pages both inked and toned.
SEVEN SEAS ENTERTAINMENT LLC (#UPDATE: Alterna Comics is NOT actively seeking submissions at this time) is currently accepting sequential art related samples drawn by artists in authentic manga style. WRITERS – NO DICE – For legal reasons, Seven Seas Entertainment will not accept any unsolicited series proposals and/or manuscripts.ARTIST/WRITER TEAMSIf you have an existing webcomic/webmanga or other sequential art samples that are currently on the web, then you may follow the guidelines outlined in the artist section above.
TOKYOPOP is looking for creators who can deliver tight, punchy, well-paced Pilots that entertain and introduce a new property. A Manga Pilot may be the first chapter of a planned graphic novel, or a self-contained side introducing the property. Download the Submissions Release Agreement. All submissions should be sent via mail or courier. They have one of the most elaborate submissions policies so be sure to review all of it.
HERE. And they also have a helpful page for
VIZ Media’s Original Publishing Department welcomes professional pitches for original comics submissions. Don’t submit anything based on any of their titles. Only submit high-quality photocopies or discs with digital files Download a Submission Release and mail your work and the signed Submission Release in.
So far, I am interested in only Del Rey, Viz, and Anartica Press. I feel like Tokyo Pop is very narrow minded in what they want, but we'll see how it goes.
I plan to start posting character sketches and data soon since I do need to submit those soon along with a story summary.
So look forward to it!