Friday, November 13, 2009

Chances of Failure

Have you ever one day while walking just thought about acheiving your dream? And then become overwhelmed with emotion?

As a lot of you know, I am finally trying to get my manga together and planning on sending to various publishing companies to see if they are interested. This article can summarize how hard it is for us, "Americans".

As excited as I am to get it all done and submit it, at the same time, I feel wary. Wary in the chances of failure.

In the past, I remember always getting so confident in my art and thought now is the time. But as usual, I would become dissatisfied with the story and starting over. This could be a part of my ADD, which has gone undiagnosed but I do believe I may have it.

And when I start over again, I always look back at my old drawings and see how much they sucked. I'm deathly afraid now the same thing will happen this time.

I feel that this version is really close my ideal story and my art has gotten a lot better to the point maybe that it is professional. At least on par with "Dragonball"....not to insult the great Toriyama san (author of Dragonball) of course.

I have a set vision for Spoon and in success, so I hope it happens although I believe I will go through a lot of failures first. And if I succeeed, expect an EPIC party of all proportions...and if I fail, still an EPIC fail party of all proportions, hahaha.

So in due time, we shall see if I fail or not, although I believe I will. The question is what will I do if I recieve nothing? I will most likely trudge forward and learn.

Expect an update sometime this weekend or next week.


  1. I say go for it man, you may just get someone who will find it interesting but if you do get an editor and publisher than that means no turning back.

    - Johnny Mcwhirlpool

  2. As I said you the other day, I think the system they're using in the USA (and everywhere) is wrong. They're copying the volume system, but in Japan comics are published in weekly/monthly magazines; only already popular series come as volumes.
    The problem is that readers are following series because they simpatize with the authors or like the art or the comic, not because they're addicted to the story or the characters. You can only get the readers addicted to your comic publishing it in a periodical basis. That's why shonen, shojo, superhero comics and every mainstream stuff works. You won't get readers addicted with short stories and volumes that come out every year. That way the reader will support you and maybe expect your next comic, but they will not NEED to read it. Reading your comic must become a habit for them, and you can only achieve that by publishing your comic with a certain frecuency.
    So I say the way to go is webcomic or to create some publication like these magazines, other way you'll still have to wait a lot more to see a widely popular series.

  3. I know, I agree.

    If I submit my stuff and get contacted, I'll make a suggestion saying how Americans should make a magazine, haha.

  4. in a couple years, when i am no longer a minor ill go into business with you. we can found a bi-weekly or monthly comic magazine. im dead-serious. business has always been my thing, and im not too bad at making comics either.
