Thursday, July 29, 2010

So much to do, so much time


Ever since I have RETURNS...I have been working diligently on chapter 9 which is about 80% done. It's quite a bastard to draw, haha.

And I am almost completely done penciling chapter 10, so Spoon is moving along quite nicely.

Other list of things I have to do are...

-Compile a portfolio for submission AND comicon in October
-Pencil/ink/color volume 1 cover

You have not read wrong..I will be attending comicon in October! So for any of you fans, who are not my friends in real life, can attend and we can all meet up!! I will hopefully have business cards and little booklets so I can start networking Spoon!

And for those of you who are reading Spoon, I realize it's been a little dull since the first chapter, but the story will begin to take a more serious watch out!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010



My friend seems to be doing a lot better and is in the recovery process. And I have decided to resume my daily life.

I hope to put up chapter 9 by next week.

So thank you for all those readers who have given me support.



Saturday, July 24, 2010

Temporary Hiatus


I'm sorry to say this, but as of right now, I need to go on a temporary hiatus with SPOON. A lot has been happening recently in my life that I haven't been able to keep up with drawing.

I just recently been very busy studying for an important test and ontop of that, one of my friends got into a serious car accident, he's okay, thank god. But this was kind of a wakeup call for me and all of my friends.

I guess this is one of those "re-evaulate how you live" kind of stuff. And I have been filled with a lot of hatred and anger as of late, and I am trying to figure out a way to deal with it and trying not to indulge in alcohol so much.

So basically, I just need to re-adjust myself a bit

This hiatus will not be very long, since I am still very motivated to draw Spoon.

Once things in my life reach equilibrium again, I will be able to draw full steam ahead.

So please understand and if anything, the new chapter should be out in another week or less.

More updates to follow.


Monday, July 19, 2010


This past weekend, me and my girlfriend went with my friend, Ryan to his place in Flushing. After an intense night of drinking, lol, we went to the bookstore the next day. As usual, I picked out some manga that could help me with refine my drawing techniques. I looked to see what Ryan was reading, and it was a book of secrets.

Frank Warren started this site with the intention of people sending their secrets to him written on a postcard. So far, 5 books have been compiled and I read through 2 of them instead of reading manga, lol.

Some of the secrets were very funny, stupid, shocking, but most of all, relatable.

One may not have called them secrets, but the individuals shared their fear of not succeeding, feeling emptiness, heartbreak, or being suicial. The way these topics were portrayed as a secret was very moving, simply, because it was represented in a different perspective and it got me thinking...

What if I don't succeed with Spoon?

As children, we are filled with dreams and when we talk about accomplishing them, it all seems possible. But the older we get, the farther those dreams seem to go....I am going to be 23 soon and I set my deadline between the age of 26 and 30 to make something of Spoon. I don't know when it hit me, but I began to become very afraid of myself nto succeeding. This has been a story I have been working on for years, and this is the only thing I find myself enjoying and wanting to get better, and I am starting to realize how puny I am to the rest of the world.

My name is David Anthony Yoon.

But so what? I am only known as the asian kid who draws and loves to read manga among a select few, but I still am nothing. As the years pass, I become more and more afraid even with sufficient skill, I still won't make an impact on the world with my work. Some may argue that I don't have to, but I WANT to. I'm still training right now, but after reading those 2 books, it made see even how much more afraid I am of not doing something with my life.

So here is my postsecret to everyone who has read it.

: I am so afraid that I won't make it with Spoon and I will just be some talentless dreamer who keeps talking bullshit. And that I am extremely insecure with who loves me in my circle of friends and I am afraid the wonderful things I have right now won't last forever....:

I highly recommend people to go to a bookstore and read these books by Frank Warren.

On a brighter note..Chapter 9 is in progress! lol.


Friday, July 9, 2010

To do List

I've compiled a list of things I must do for Spoon

-learn to color
-sign up for art classes
-get a portfolio together for comic con in october

Considering how my internship is starting in September and the fact my classes are starting up again next week along with the praxis, fitting this all in will be harder than I thought...


I forgot to mention but volume 1 of spoon is complete! I am working on the volume cover and it WILL BE COLORED! =D

Also if you are a fan on facebook, go to the discussion board and participate in the honesty board so I know what you guys think about the manga so far!



Tuesday, July 6, 2010



It has been forever, sorry about that.

I have been busy with drawing, classes, work, and my social life.

And just this week, I was on vacation up with my girlfriend and friends in Newark, and now I am back to work with summer classes starting again. :(

and on top of that is the Praxis on July 24th, which will be important for my teaching career, so I am pretty busy.


I do not intend to slack off on drawing and I am planning on learning how to color better with photoshop. I also am looking into enrolling in some art classes, especially those dealing with anatomy and perspective.

But yeah, that is all for now...more to come soon!
