Friday, July 9, 2010

To do List

I've compiled a list of things I must do for Spoon

-learn to color
-sign up for art classes
-get a portfolio together for comic con in october

Considering how my internship is starting in September and the fact my classes are starting up again next week along with the praxis, fitting this all in will be harder than I thought...


I forgot to mention but volume 1 of spoon is complete! I am working on the volume cover and it WILL BE COLORED! =D

Also if you are a fan on facebook, go to the discussion board and participate in the honesty board so I know what you guys think about the manga so far!




  1. Hey, Dave

    your dedication to this project is so inspiring! it's been years, but you still continue to put out page after page of your hard work. for slackers like me, it's really a good kick in the rear. a good wake-up call to the fact that you just need to be passionate and persistent to have things fall into place. keep it up, Yoon!

  2. lol thank you miss Hu.

    I really do hope my persistence pays off in the end.

