Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hola, Haven't posted in awhile and I just want to say that I have been having huge leaps of progress in my thouht process, meaning I think I got through my writers block! Of course some may argue such a thing may not exist, but my definition of it is even though you are coming up with ideas, they just are not good enough, nothing that makes you all excited to draw and I have been struggling for a long time trying to come up with a main backstory for SPOON. Like what are his goals and how people can connect to him. I juggled with a lot of ideas and talked with a lot of friends to figure it all out but I think I finally know what to do. I finally feel the creativity and feel like the story is all coming together! I feel that I have been going through periods of high amoutns of creativity and this is something every artist struggles with. I always read interviews by Terry Moore and he explains that he loves drawing with ideas that make him so excited and he wants to see it happen. I finally understand what he means. So what is the new idea? I'll explain: "Because of a curse, Charles has become a spoon and is on quest to find a spell to revert him back to his human form. " That is the main concept and I will not go into detail, lol. It may sound cliche, but I know with my ideas, I can make it a fun ride! To be honest, I read a manga called "Oumadogaki", which I highly recommend and it helped me...well believe in myself a little more. Oh and on top of that, I plan to enter this contest where I have to come up with a drawing showing all the characters of BAKUMAN. Here is the link for those of you interested: I've reread all the chapters yesterday and have a decent idea, lol. The deadline is at the end of April and I do plan on submitting and we'll go from there. =)

1 comment:

  1. David, I try to keep up with (your) Spoon as much as possible because I feel a certain connection with it (you know what I'm talking about). Anyway I think if you look up The Hero's Quest/Journey and use that as guidelines to create your Spooniverse it would be helpful. Lucas did exactly that with the original Star Wars and that's why it is so good. It's a proven formula from the ancient greek epics. Here is a link to show you what I mean

